We are pleased to extend an invite to our next meeting. Due to the current pandemic and keeping inline with social distancing, this will be done virtually with the information below.
We will be meeting Thursday April 14th at 7:00pm. We have a number of motions to pass regarding our financial expenditures and proceeding with the Local Capacity Grant. Due to time constraints we will not have a guest speaker for this meeting.
Keenleyside MMF Local
Meeting Agenda April 14th, 2022
- Call to order
- Roll call
- Approval of minutes from last meeting
- Executive Reports
- Chairperson Update
- Vice Chair Update
- Financial Update
- Open issues
- Greg Page to secure Local Central Registry list. Currently on hold due to current pandemic.
- Submit year end expense claim for Local Capacity Grant
- New Business
- Submit year end expense claim for Local Capacity Grant
- Obtain Funding for 2022/2023 Local Capacity Grant
- Open Invite to Winnipeg Region Executives for discussion
- Any New Business
- Future meeting agenda
- Next scheduled General Body Meeting
- Adjournment
We are pleased to announce you can now use your computer (with optional camera) to follow along or continue to use your phone. To join with your computer click the BLUE link below or phone in using the info below.
Join Keenleyside Local inc Meeting:
Connection Test:
One tap mobile:
+1 204 202 7145,,7452168#
Dial-in using your phone:
Canada – Winnipeg: +1 204 202 7145
Access code: 7452168